You're hitting the nail on the head once again with this piece Scarlet.

#DarkWoke is such a perfect way to describe what we're currently seeing from so many liberals - completely abandoning the fight for greater social, racial, and economic justice and equality, for the soul purpose of punching down and to the left. This response from liberals feels like the ramifications of their ideology reaching the end of it's road - causing a lot of lashing out in every possible direction, instead of redirecting that energy at the leaders who crafted and insisted upon this path. You have a wonderful habit crafting quotes that not only really resonate with me, but also accurately describe the current state of affairs - this being one of them:

"A party that can only define itself in relation to its opposition has naturally followed the Republicans to the right at every opportunity."

I can't tell you how many back-and-forth conversations I've had with my very liberal mother that revolve entirely around comparing everything to the Republican Party. If the Democrats are ever caught doing something nefarious, it's always "at least they're not Republicans!" We definitely have our work cut out for us in trying to help liberals, and everyday people for that matter, see that another world is possible, but I 100% agree that so many people out there are in that very malleable state of wanting to strive for something better, but just may not know where to start, or what options are even available to them. We have the power to show people where they can start to discover those options, and that'll be a primary part of what our mandate is going forward. Malcom X warned about the dangers of the conservative wolves and liberal foxes, so why not present the people with an alternative?

Keep up the fabulous writing Scarlet!

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Just read this piece, and it’s great. Thank you for writing about this!

The aftermath of this election and seeing liberals acting the way they do made me finally realize you cannot form a coalition with them in any meaningful capacity. It’s hopeless and has largely driven me offline in these past few months. Reading stuff like this makes me feel sane, so thank you again!

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Vichy Democrats - I love that. Thanks for teaching this new term.

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It’s particularly marked in Britain, where the left managed to get control of the Labour Party for four years, and the Labour right spent those years frantically shilling for the conservatives. Nobody in Britain will ever fall for “it’s a broad church” again (the line they used to get us to accept conservative policies).

Now, my response to lesser evil centrists is: “You were never my ally, you were always my enemy, there will never again be an alliance between us, fuck off to obscurity where you belong.”

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Feb 7
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Fuck off, you total cunt. I am loving watching your absolute shitface of a prime minister crash and burn, and the best thing about it all is that after this, absolutely nobody will ever vote for your disgusting politics again. This is the last we’ll see of you. Get fucked.

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Thank you seriously I appreciate you, your work, and your choice of topic this shit is killing me

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happy you're doing this Scarlet, I really look forward to these!

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I'm so glad enough people are finally calling this out for the bullshit neoliberal apologia it truly is. Not enough people, yet, perhaps. I have a fair amount of hope in tomorrow's voters as well, if they get the opportunity to do so.

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“anti-israel bias” is nothing more than HOLDING THE MURDERERS ACCOUNTABLE. JFC I am so over this bullshit. Israel has been and continues to commit genocide. Unless the entire IDF dropped their weapons and deserted, there is no actual anti-israel anything happening. ALL WE ARE DOING IS CALLING OUT THEIR GENOCIDE against Palestinian people.

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