This is a great piece Scarlet, and really does resonate with how I've been feeling about this as well. During a time of immense crisis, when people are supposed to rally together and support one another, we're actually seeing some folks on the left applaud and cheer on the misery and trauma that so many people are currently experiencing. You highlighted some perfect examples of this with those Twitter screenshots - truly devoid of any real compassion and empathy for their fellow human beings, all for the purpose of furthering this highly individualist, team-sports-oriented mindset that's really only about "winning". I've grappled with this myself in my own political journey and personal growth (having grown up in a staunchly liberal household), which makes me hope that others will be able and willing to engage in the same introspective process.

One line from your piece really stands out to me in particular:

"The most radical thing in the world is to have empathy for those who have none."

That to me, is what some folks on the left are sorely missing, and is crucial to how we build our movement going forward. The willingness to have compassion and empathy "for those who have none" is a critical part of the blueprint that leads to people truly finding an avenue to unite, and stand together. The Mao Tse Tsung quote you include highlights this as well, and emphasizes the importance of being willing to meet people where they are, offer them grace, respect, and understanding, and find common ground that opens new avenues for genuine unity and collaboration. You do a great job in this piece reminding people of the vision we have for not just some of us, but for ALL of us.

Wonderful read from start to finish!

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So well said!! Having empathy/humanity for those that don’t deserve it IS the true differentiator of who is clear eyed and who is just in a different cult

When ‘our side’ celebrates their pain, suffering, and destruction, instead of pointing out that it is the same pain&suffering that we’re trying to stop from happening to ALL people, we become no better than them.

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Found you on twitter, and have been a great follow since. I hope you decide to write more and post less on twitter. That place sucks so bad now.

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