Well said, written and expressed as always Scarlet! The way you end this piece reminds me of when you spoke about the human spirit, and gives me the confidence and hope that everyday people are starting to figure out what's going on. The Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people has been an unbelievable wake-up call for so many people, and has been instrumental in radicalizing folks into taking a genuine stand against the oppressive forces that are taking us down this path. Despite their best efforts to manufacture consent and create new permission structures for increased bloodshed and terror, the cracks are there and they're beginning to grow, like you said. The western world is realizing that their propaganda isn't working in the same ways that it once was, and despite their best efforts to make this into the new red scare, we the people are seeing it, and are helping others see it as well. Not everyone is, however, therefore bolstering our mandate to help them push through it. The efforts to ramp up the escalation of violence and suppression will certainly continue, but the fact that people are still showing up and making their voices heard is proof to me that the human spirit is alive and well - ready for the fight ahead. There's still plenty of work to do and plenty of minds to try and sway, but it's still encouraging to see so many people willing to take a stand. I also agree with Rachel Baldes and the sentiments she expressed in her comment. It's been tiring to see the reactions from so many Democratic voters, and many liberals have shown just how morally bankrupt they are truly capable of being. It'll be tough to break through to those people, and I don't imagine we'll get through to everyone, but it's just as you say:

"We can’t predict when crises will occur, but we can be ready to meet those who show up to object and bring them into the fight for a better world."

You keep finding wonderful ways to contextualize the current moment in easy to understand ways, while also offering a hopeful path forward with each and every piece, so thank you again for the work that you're doing Scarlet!

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I'm so exhausted by the glee with which Democratic voters -who were either cowed into silence, consciously choosing zionism, or unwittingly brainwashed to same result, are celebrating Trump's "plans" for Gaza and all the related travesty to come. I'm extremely skeptical this qualifies as FAFO. I don't believe anyone who refrained from voting for Harris expected Trump's policy regarding Gaza to be an improvement. They're missing the point but exposing themselves as just as capable of being morally bankrupt as any Trump voter.

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this is who liberals always were

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There's so much glee with which they post about Trump tower in Gaza, it's incredible. They like to think of themselves as better than Trump supporters but they have many of the same tendencies and like to watch as the cruelty is inflicted upon whoever they deem deserves it. Rhetoric aside, there's a ceasefire now that seems to be holding and that was down to Trump, who is a legitimately awful human being and yet managed to do more for Gaza than the Democrats. I hate the idea that you deserve whatever happens to you because of who you voted for because no matter who you vote for, the horrors never stop and no one really deserves them.

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